NAPFA Conversation Circles

NAPFA Conversation Circles are facilitated by a NAPFA member or expert in the topic area and are designed to be an interactive and lively discussion with peers.

Intended Audiences: Each Conversation Circle has an intended audience, as outlined below. These are meant as guidelines, and any member or non-member is welcome to join any conversation that they’re interested in.

Solo Firms - 1-2 employees, under 1M in revenue (~ less than 100M AUM)

Mid-Size Firms - 3-10 employees, and between 1-5M of revenue. (~100M-1B AUM)

Large Firms - 11+ employees, and over 5M of revenue. (~ over 1B AUM)

Genesis - Financial advisors aged 33 and under

If you have a topic suggestion, please email it to

Upcoming Conversation Circles

Mid-Size Firms

Thursday, March 7, 2024

1:00 PM ET

Moderator: JJ Williams

Join this conversation circle to share details on your tech stack and explore what other firms are using.  The group will have an informal discussion on the pros and cons of different vendors, integrations, and systems.  


Large Firms: Building Out a Management Team

Thursday, March 14, 2024

1:00 PM ET

Moderator: Jamie Ruff

As your firm grows, the need to build out your management team grows. In this Conversation Circle, we'll discuss the challenges of building such a team and adapting it as you go, and the lessons learned. We'll look at the opportunities presented by this growth, and the questions we should be asking ourselves as we continue to develop our firm and its leadership.


Legacy Planning & Engaging the Next Generation of Clients

Thursday, March 28, 2024

1:00 PM ET

Moderator: Cheryl Krueger

The largest wealth transfer in history is underway, as the Baby Boomers pass on trillions of dollars in assets to younger generations. As research shows that the #1 reason professional relationships end for financial advisors is that beneficiaries inherit assets and opt to leave the advisor's services, this conversation circle will focus on the critical aspect of client retention during this transition of wealth.

Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, successes, and challenges in ensuring that their clients' children actively choose to maintain a partnership with them. Share and learn effective approaches that will help you secure the future of your advisory relationships.
